Roll, Bounce, Fall???

Guess what?! It's officially MY BIRTHDAY!!!! So I skated my way into it and I had lots of fun...that is until I called myself getting the hang of it and responding to a text and trying to avoid getting cut off (all while skating) and I ended up on the floor, but not before I banged my head on the floor. HARD. Thankfully, I did not bleed, but talk about being dizzy and a massive headache. YIKES!

After taking a time out for some ice and aspirin, it was time to join the fun again...I had a ball. One thing is for certain - those folks over there take their skating seriously. We need to start thinking of our shirts' slogan and logo for next time. Ha!

Special thanks to everybody who came out to begin my birthday with me. I really appreciate it - THANK YOU Jeannette, Danielle, Dionne, Ivory, Felicia, Jenn, and Jenaya.

Ok, guess I should get up, take some aleve, and start getting ready for brunch. Hope you all have a fabulous day and enjoy this beautiful weather. 




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