What's Your Number???

Before we jump into this post, let's face the elephant in the room...it is officially LIBRA SEASON!!!!!!! Jeannette has banned me from talking about my birthday until Friday - does writing count?! I am so ready to enjoy myself this weekend and celebrate another year of life and to all my other fellow libras HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you take this time to enjoy your family and friends, but most importantly do not forget your me time and to give thanks for all the blessings you have received thus far. 

I went to see What's Your Number this weekend and it was hilarious! I highly recommend this movie - the main male character's name was Collin and it cracked me up the parallels between the two, but I will digress. But it definitely got me thinking back to a debate I overhear my Collin and his friends having ALL THE TIME - do you want a woman who has had experience versus an amateur (and yes, I know everyone's definition of "experience" will vary) - most men tend to label women who has had more experience (resulting in a higher number) as whores. Yet do they want to take the time to teach a woman how to please him? If she hasn't tried to "ride a bike" a time or two or seven or eight, then she will not know what to do, may still be shy with her body, and even worse - may not even know what pleases her and therefore cannot enjoy intimacy! 

What is better??? More or less? To each its own, however, I feel your past should remain in your past. What is the point in discussing your "number" or the details of previous relationships? I promise you these men nowadays will hold it against you and IT WILL come up again unless the man is secure enough in who he is - then he will not care about where you have been - he will only concern himself with where you are going and if he fits into the whole scheme of things. 

According to the movie, the average woman has 10 partners before she finds her husband and if she has had more, it is less likely she will ever marry. Soooooooooo what is your number?! 

I say good girls never tell. <3



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