
My father and I finished battling food poisoning (THANKS Five Guys) just in time for his company holiday party. He received an award for 25 years of duty on the police force. What an accomplishment!

 Yup! Ang dragged the Captain on the dance floor. He's hiding behind her since we had our cameras out. 

 Me and Yells
 Guess who wore stockings and didn't tear them putting them on AND didn't rip them ALL night?! 
I am really loving my new bangs
THANKS Andriece for the dress & stockings! 

One thing about my parents' generation I admire is longevity. I cannot see me or any one of my friends staying at the same job for 25 years - we get bored too easily and want to tackle new challenges in a new environment. Maybe we can learn something from them - if it's not broke, don't fix it - don't give up, things worth having we must work for and then work harder to maintain it - or maybe they can learn something from us - do not be afraid to take risks, change is sometimes good - AND USE YOUR SICK/ VACATION TIME, they give it to you for a reason. Anyways, CONGRATS dad. Not everyone enjoys their job as much as you do and I am happy you found something you loved.

Heading to bed now - me and Ang have a date with Robin Thicke in the morning!



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