
is a bitch force to be reckoned with. I have always hated it. Always hated the fact it took so many lives. Loathed the way it consumed people's bodies - not just the disease itself, but also the treatments to cure you of this bitch. Chemo, radiation - if you have ever witnessed someone encounter these things, it is hard. You feel helpless knowing there is nothing you can do besides support them - maybe cook them dinner (if they feel up to eating and everything doesn't taste like metal), clean their home, watch their children, etc. 

Imagine the feelings (beginning with anger) you could encounter when your 15 year old cousin is diagnosed and he lives all the way in Australia (and I am pretty sure I drove Tyesha crazy asking her a million questions all the time since she too is a survivor) - how is it possible to support from here - let him know that although we may not be there in the physical sense, we are there constantly thinking of him and lifting him up in prayer for a speedy recovery. 

If you know me, you know my mind immediately got to work and I was researching online. I discovered purple was the color of the particular cancer he had - so I rallied all my friends, their children, and family to wear purple the day of his surgery (just imagine - I don't even have everyone's picture who wore purple in support of him). 

Subsequently, I began to wear purple multiple times a week because I knew he was going through treatments and it was my way of showing support. 

Then came the possibility of losing his hair - spearheaded by my Uncle Derrick, the men in my family decided if Sequoya loss any hair, they would shave their heads so he would not be alone. And that is exactly what they did. (Sequoya's head may be a tad bit warmer than theirs though because Australia is in their summer currently. Luckily for the boys, it hasn't been too frigid this week.)

I am happy Sequoya has continued to kick cancer's ass and he is well on the road to recovery. I cannot wait for them to come to the States again next year for the holidays - we have a lot to be thankful for and I am sure the celebrations will be plenty. 

Love ya Sequoya! 



  1. honey i would have gladly supported you in this great endeavor. just on 2 points alone. 1. my fav color is purple so any excuse i can find to wear it is always excellent to me and 2. because by the grace of God when my mom was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer they were able to treat it quickly and remove all traces of it. but i have watched my grandmother go in less than a year from a brain tumor and watched my Aunt slowly wither away from breat cancer. so just know that you have my full support on this one and if there is ever any way i can be of some help even if its just an ear to vent you have my number and my phone is always on.

  2. Sequoya is truly blessed to have this support from you all. The distance means nothing when this much love and support is shown. Make sure you share this blog with him. It will do wonders for his spirit. This is the best medicine, trust. This blog warmed my heart because I know what some may call a small gesture (wearing purple, shaving of heads) makes positive impact on a survivor's journey to recovery. I don't wear a lot of purple, but as of lately, when I do, it's in honor and support of Sequoya.

  3. So the tears are still pouring. You are the best Holly. You continue to amaze me with your Love and enthusiasm. I couldn't have a better niece and Sequoia a more thoughtful cousin. Blessings to you and all who are participating in the caring of my son. It feels so big sometimes and it helps to know that others are there with me. Love Tanya


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