Plan B's Easy Access

I try not to make this blog too politically correct and I attempt not to address society's issues - but I can no longer bite me tongue, so bare with me.

The media reported Shippensburg University has vending machines that distributes the Plan B morning after pill. I am not naive enough to believe college students are not having sex - I am sure they engage. Often. I have 3 younger cousins in college. Not for one minute do I believe they are not doing the do - but never would I encourage them to have unprotected sex. If they are going to think like an adult and do adult things, then they need to be responsible about it and protect themselves. Diseases are real - some permanent and deadly, not being able to be treated by an antibiotic or ointment.

Outside of diseases, pregnancy can happen. And yes, if a condom breaks, the Plan B pill is an alternative to trying to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. It is already easily accessible at local drug stores. But you have to get up and go to the store. I fear the pill being in a vending machine in campus will decrease the number of students actually protecting themselves since they can just go down the hall to the vending machine!

What are your thoughts? Do you think it is a good idea since students are too embarrassed to go to the store to get Plan B? Or do you think if you are grown enough to indulge in your sexual desires, you should be mature enough to go to the store to get whatever you may need to protect yourself from diseases and unwanted pregnancies?



  1. I used to attend this school and I am appalled (although not shocked)that they have this available in darn vending machines. I mean really. It's already a "party" school because it's out in the middle of nowhere. Let's just encourage more reckless activity in the youth SMDH. If it's that serious, why not just have it accessible at the campus nurse's office? I understand some don't have vehicles to get off campus to the nearest drug store but SHEESH! They've gone too far!


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