Guest Blogger (Erica) - 20 Things I've Learned in My 20s

We first met Erica here, where she shared how she prepared for her Flirty Thirties. Here is the second part of her blog where she shares lessons learned from her 20's. 

Back when I enjoyed the last week in my 20's, I thought back to what I've learned and experienced over the last decade.  I came up with 20 things I learned in my 20's - although there have been much, much more:

Socializing and Living Life
  • When someone asks if you like to “party”, they probably aren’t talking about the club.  Just say NO!
  • Traveling is SO beneficial to your world views, perspective and life experiences.  If you have the time and means, do it often.
  • Don’t feel bad for taking as much “me” time as you want.  Once you have a family of your own that time is sure to be drastically reduced.  Eat out, party, stay in, sleep late, splurge – and don’t feel bad about any of it!
  • Getting in shape early will help you later.  That slowing metabolism thing is real and mean >:(
  • You may not think it will, but going to the club gets old, fast.  Finding new ways to party and socialize is important for mature adulthood.
Love and Happiness
  • Always trust your instincts.  They are most likely not wrong and intuition should not be taken lightly!
  • What seems like the worst heartbreak of all time in the moment will simply be a distant memory in years to come.
  • Enjoy dating while you’re single.  Go out, meet people, have fun.  2006 was a good year….mmm, yesssss...yesss :)
  • They say we plan and God laughs.  Well he was cracking up all through my 20’s.  Just go with the flow, don’t force something to be.
  • When you do find that special someone, make sure you’re ready to commit.  Dating is fun and all, but like clubbing – it gets old after a while.
Education, Work, Finances
  • Student loans are the devil.  If I would have thought about paying them back, I would have made very different choices before college.
  • Don’t be so concerned with instant gratification.  Seeing the big picture and working towards lifelong goals will result in much more happiness.
  • Don’t be afraid to take chances with career opportunities.  If you can move somewhere new, travel, get a degree, enter a different industry or field, it’s better to do it sooner than later.
  • Talking to older people about their life experiences is a great way to figure out what you do and don’t want to do.  No need in making your own mistakes when you can learn from others in some cases.
  • Saving and spending wisely will make you much happier.  As said by the Joyce Brothers “Credit buying is much like being drunk.  The buzz happens immediately and gives you a lift.... The hangover comes the day after. “ Debt and hangovers….so not fun.

 Friends & Family
  • People change.  You lose some friends, make some new ones.  Don’t dwell on who’s not around, focus on who is.
  • Nobody’s perfect – not even me, I know, shocking!  So cut people some slack and don’t sweat the small stuff.  Like my mom says, as time goes on, more stuff becomes small stuff.
  • Just as you are getting older, so is everyone else.  Make sure to spend quality time with family – they won’t be around forever.
  • Your parents actually do have some sense.  They might actually know what they’re talking about sometimes – go figure!
  • Don’t compare your life to anyone else’s.  Everyone has their own issues, and like they say “If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.” ― Regina Brett
Just my thoughts.  I'd love to hear what others have learned.  I wish I had some 40 year old friends to tell me what they've learned in their 30's.  Guess I'll see for myself....



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