Justice for Trayvon

There are some things in life I cannot wrap my hands around no matter how hard I try - one of these things is how a 17 year old boy could be labeled "suspicious" when he was on the phone with his girlfriend simply carrying a bag of skittles and an iced tea. Oh! And let's not forget he wore a hoodie - what a crime!

What further infuriates me is the fact this happened a month ago and he went unidentified for days while his body was drug tested - I remember when this FIRST happened, and I combed the internet looking for more details and I couldn't find any - it seemed like they were trying to sweep this away.

And NOW they are trying to paint negative connotations to Trayvon's character in a means to imply George Zimmerman was justified in his actions. (And let's not forget someone threw flour on Kim Kardashian and this person was arrested - yet George Zimmerman is still a free man. Or how about Plaxico Burress went to jail for shooting HIMSELF. OR Mike Vick going to jail for killing dogs - dogs lives now carry more value than a young man nowadays I guess.)

Here are some details from the case.

Also, did you see who was appointed as the "stand in" police chief of the Sanford Police Department - Captain Darren Scott. I do not know his qualifications or his experience, but it is definitely suspect the appointed man is African American - he will now be their fall guy while the police department is under fire. I hope he is prepared for the battle he is about to encounter as a result of Zimmerman's crime and his police department's lack of follow through.

The only shimmer of hope I see in this situation is how the nation seems to be rallying together to get justice for Trayvon Martin and his family. The marches and walk outs are inspiring. Check out this video from the Philly Hoodie March. A fellow Central graduate, Rick Morton, helped put this together and I could not be more proud. I was disappointed I could not attend - but I had a sick nephew to tend to (while wearing our hoodies in support).

I can only hope the momentum increases instead of wanes as time goes on, especially after I read this in regards to The Hunger Games movie. I may have been a tad bit naive, but I now recognize racism is still ALIVE and RAMPANT and nothing will change, unless we are willing to do something about it. 



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