Kiss Them Goodbye...In One Minute

Now if you watch tv as much as I do, then you would know these are all slogans from 2 of my favorite shows - Desperate Housewives and Scandal.

I haven't been blogging much - I have been throwing myself into these tv finales and enjoying me time - and I must say, I am very let's discuss these finales -

First up, Desperate Housewives and their SERIES finale - I am not ready to kiss the ladies of Wisteria Lane goodbye just yet - and this is proven by the fact I just re-watched the finale - as a whole, I am satisfied, but I am disappointed with the fact there is no hope for a movie or a tv special, since they already let us know how their life pans out. I still cannot believe Mike died this season, but I guess it is ok since the show will never come on again.

There is no need to even discuss the awesomeness that is Ringer since CW decided to cancel it. I am NOT happy about this one bit, but then there's Gossip Girl...this show has picked up when I had lost all faith - some things that are still bothering me a) I really need to punch Bart in his face b) Serena needs to get a life and stop sleeping with all of Blair's "leftovers" ON the same bar... remember the first season with Nate c) Lily is irking my soul and I hope Bart does her dirty d) Can Chuck and Blair get together once and for all with no drama or chase?! And this is my major disappointment - last season is the FINAL season of this show AND it's ending in December - so that means I don't get a full season. I am trying to wrap my hands around that tidbit CW just released. Moving on...

90210 - this season was hit or miss, but the finale - can we get original please?! I am sick of a tragic accident at the end of the season which leaves us guessing if a major character is alive or not - first Liam, now Dixon and then back to the original with Brandon and Dylan. *shakes head at writers* I love Naomi is finally back with Max, but how long will they be happy?! And really Silver?! A baby with Teddy??? Annie and Adrianna aren't even worth mentioning - only if Annie gets back with Liam and leaves the preacher boy alone - then there's Austin - I wish his character would be developed into something of substance. Call me a cougar, but am I the only one who noticed as these actors grow up, they are becoming very yummy - Austin, Liam, Naviyd, and even Max! And let me not forget the sexy suit wearing Gossip Girl men - Chuck and Nate. I wish Chuck talked in his accent on the show - and I can just imagine him smelling so good as he talks that talk wearing his suit - dreamy. *snapping back to reality now*

Grey's Anatomy emotionally drained me last night - I could not stop crying - I am at a lost of words. Shonda Rhimes is a brilliant writer - I still cannot get over the fact Lexie died and Teddy is leaving for good too. Will Sloane survive??? And what pissed me off the most is the fact no one at the hospital even knows their plane crashed and they are in the wilderness waiting to be rescued. I am so pissed at myself for not DVRing this episode, because I really need to watch again...maybe this time there will be less tears. Guess I will have to watch online - and now I have 4 months to toss around ideas in my head as to what happens next season. *le sigh*

Scandal cannot get anymore ,well, scandalous - but knowing Shonda Rhimes it can and will. I had to grab a glass of wine to deal with FLOTUS and Cyrus - Millie will do anything to ensure her husband (in name only) holds on to his power and position - what is her agenda? Along with Cyrus - what is he up to? Then there's Quinn - who is she?! What is her background story? Oh Fitz and Olivia - can they really move on from each other??? And the President's voice resonating with take off your clothes mid-episode. Yes, this is another show I am going to have to watch again because I am sure I missed something and I cannot wait to see what happens next season. Just give me one minute to process...

What are your thoughts on this year's finales? The only 2 left are SVU and Revenge - I will have to catch them on DVR since I will be living it up in NYC next week, but more on that later...



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