Is Bad Sex a Deal Breaker?

Essence posted this article and it took me back to a time many years ago...yes, I did pass on a good man because of bad sex. I would have been married with kids by now - and he would have done anything to protect, provide, adore me, and ensure my contentment - he loved me just that much - yet I could not overlook the bad sex and this made me find faults in any and everything - now was this just me being young minded? Not having my priorities in order and wanting to experience more? Because if I would have married him, I would have never known the "more" - but I knew I was missing something.

And when I found it, the "more" definitely kept me around longer than I should have stayed because that relationship was unhealthy and not conducive to my goals and overall happiness...but that more...

I have experienced both ends of the spectrum and although sex is NOT the most important part in any relationship, I do still think it enhances the fun in making up after any argument because let's face it, there will be days when you just want to strangle the one you are with. BAD make up sex would leave me pondering the point of it all. I honestly believe the one who God intended for you will know how to ignite your passion - which means "bad sex" won't even be a factor on your pros and cons list.

Ladies, what do you think?



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