13 Days to 30 - Setting Boundaries

This is something I have adopted in the last 18 months - I used to get so frustrated and mad when things would happen to me (someone did something to me or a loved one and I perceived it to be wrong) or when things did not go according to my plan - let me clarify before you think I am a controlling individual -

If you tell me you are going to do something, then I hold you to your word. So I plan according to what you have told me you were going to do. And if you don't do what you said you would, then it would piss me off.

But why was I exerting so much energy on what these folks did or didn't do?! I would be in a foul mood - giving them control of my emotions. I thought long and hard on this and I came to the realization people only treat you the way you allow them to - if they constantly let you down, why would you depend on them for anything ever again? Hoping for a different outcome?

I realized unless I was apparent with my expectations and told people exactly what I wanted from them, then I could not be upset if they fell short. If I was clear and concise with my boundaries and they were agreed upon, and the person still disappointed me and I allowed this behavior to continue, it is my fault. And the only person I should be mad at is myself.

Regardless of what people do, my life goes on and my show does not stop - why give them the power to bring negative energy into my world. I cannot control people and their actions, but I can control how I react. I set boundaries, so I know where we stand and when you show me who you are I now believe you the first time.



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