21 Days to 30 - What About Your Friends

If there is one thing I have learned over the years, it is everybody is NOT my friend although they may claim to be - with that said, I am grateful for the friends I do have and I have learned to pull my circle closer. Most of my friends I have known for years (over 10).

My friends know how to handle me and deal with my moodiness - they also have mastered the art of telling me what I need to hear when I do not want to hear it - even though life gets in the way, they are always there to just listen, make me laugh, give me a shoulder to cry on, or to let my hair down and have some fun. And the best part is we are free to be our true selves, with no false pretenses or the fear of being judged or used.

We do not have to talk everyday, some I do not even talk to once a week, and yup, we may have issues and disagree and not talk to each other for awhile before the issue is resolved, but that doesn't change our dynamic. I know without a doubt I can count on them and that makes me smile.



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