26 Days to 30 - Filter

What a day! I am exhausted. My friends and I are having lots of career break thrus as of late and I am excited for what's to come for all of us.

Shoe of the day - the best part about working is getting dressed.

Since I committed to this countdown series here I am on my laptop - literally LAYING IN bed and typing - don't want any aggressive texts similar to the one I received when I was contemplating maybe not doing it and I will quote "stop b!tchin, put on ya big girl panties and get it done" - now my actual response I originally thought of to this text wasn't blog appropriate and I filtered it before I responded...yet here I am -

Let's talk about my filter - if I personally had "thought bubbles" that appeared above my head, I would be in lots of trouble. Well not trouble, per say, but I guess people would be offended. And my lack of a poker face doesn't help matters - if you really know me, you can gauge what I am thinking by my face and this leads to Jeannette popping my hand...often.

What I can say is when I was younger, I would often SAY and not just think what was on my mind regardless of the other person's feelings - if you asked me a question or prodded me, I would give you the answer you wanted...straight up, no chaser. Subsequently, I have also had my feelings hurt and I know how it feels - although that was never my intent, I did hurt people's feelings in the past by allowing things to just come out of my mouth.

At this point in my life, I have perfected the art of still getting my point across yet delivering my message in a way where what I am conveying cannot be misconstrued and I deliver it to you in a "pretty package" with "nice" words so you will not be offended...unless you think of a double meaning I may have hidden later (but that's another story and most aren't perceptive enough to read that deep into it). I also have become a master at evading topics or discussion which I know will lead to unpleasant outcomes.
 Proverbs 21:23 He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity.

Now if only I can learn to channel my thoughts, I will experience even more growth. 



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