8 Days to 30 - My Biggest Critic

happens to be ME. Everybody tells me all the time I set high standards and I push myself too hard - and at times I lose focus of the small accomplishments I make in the process - to a degree being unsatisfied with my progress because I have yet to reach MY IDEAL end result leaving me frustrated. Luckily for me, after I am coming out of my "mood" and voice my feelings with those close to me, they always reign me back in and point out the obvious things I happen to overlook when I am beating myself up. 

I am just learning how to not count anything out - no accomplishment is too small and it will all make perfect sense once my overall goals are achieved. I need to learn to not put an unrealistic time restraint on myself because life happens and sometimes gets in the way. AND my timeline may not be aligned with what God wants for me at that time. Then this Henri Frederic Amiel quote opened Revenge tonight: Destiny has 2 ways of crushing us...by refusing our wishes...and by fulfilling them. I need to learn how to accept this and just keep pushing forward (without first having my own personal pity party). 

I am still a work in progress. One thing is for certain, this little boy's innocence, endless kisses, and infectious laugh ensures I never stay down for long in the meantime. 



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