2 Days to 30 - Red Lipstick

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. 

I discovered this saying online earlier this week and it sums up my whole theme behind Flirting with 30 and my 30 Before 30 List...stepping outside of my comfort zone and living more in the moment. I had become so trained to my routine and schedule - and I would become so flustered when things didn't go according to my ultimate plan...and life happens, so that is no way to live. 

I must say I have learned a lot and stepping out of my comfort zone has also helped me in other areas as well - you know me being so impatient and those minute anger issues that may surface when the right button is pushed. I am still a work in progress in regards to those aspects, BUT I have gotten better. My mom told me I needed a nap a few minutes ago because I was becoming irritable due to not eating all day and someone being late - I didn't get my nap, but the shower woke me up a bit and I am now excited for dinner with my girls. 

As I am getting dressed I am blasting Red Lipstick since that is what I am wearing tonight - this will be a first. Let's see how it goes as I am singing "with your pretty red lips..."

*whispering* Can you believe I went to Chuck E. Cheese today?! It was right next to the furniture store, so I stopped in for a quick treat for Pricey Wicey since he was patient while we browsed. And it wasn't as bad as I remembered - probably because it was all the way up in Devon.

Ok, ok, ok enough Auntie talk back to Trey Red Lipstick, Valentine's Day came early, whatever you want girl you deserve it...



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