7 Days to 30 - Letting Go

I am one stubborn woman. Always willing to fight to make something work, never wanting to admit defeat - holding on even when every fiber in my being screams I should let go and start anew. I am sure many people can relate to this - and on October 9 I will be letting go unwillingly of Pricey as he begins his first day of school.

Now I KNOW he needs to go to school for the sake of his own independence, socialization. and education, but I can't help being a tad bit sad. This means he is officially not MY baby anymore.

Luckily this summer with my brother's work schedule, I was not babysitting as much during the week, so I will not suffer horrible separation anxiety - I do not think I will cry...I am concerned with how he will react to the new environment, however, kids are resilient and hopefully he will adjust quickly. Being around other kids every day may be helpful in the transition.

But you know how I coped with the preparation of this?! Organization and shopping. We got him the cutest Mickey Mouse lunch box, cup, and book bag. Time to label all of his belongings. Now what is he going to wear on his first day?!



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