Ornament vs. Function

Shonda, Shonda, Shonda...you do it to me every year, and now I am addicted to a 3rd show of yours - not even sure where to begin...Scandal, Private Practice, or Grey's Anatomy...

I am still emotionally drained from watching Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice - Mark Sloane and Pete?! They both HAD to die. Really?!?! And the ironic part is I KNEW both of these characters would demise, yet I was still NOT prepared. And Arizona, I get you lost your leg, but you will not talk to Alex like that - period. I have such a bleeding heart when it comes to him and he can do no wrong in my eyes. Will McDreamy operate again?! And Meredith and Dr. Bailey seems to have switched places personality wise - not believable. I guess circumstances in life can make you change, but these are HUGE changes in these characters. And poor Christina - I just want to give her a hug. 

I find it absolutely hilarious Charlotte is now pregnant with TRIPLETS when she never wanted to be a mom, yet because a wonderful stepmom so quickly. How will Violet cope with Pete's death?! Although the tub scene was hilarious, let's hope she doesn't continue getting high. Addison, Addison, Addison...she always complicates things. I don't particularly care for her character - I am still upset she cheated on McDreamy with his best friend McSteamy and I feel like she is getting her karma, but will this show survive once she leaves since this is in fact her last season on Private Practice. How would you like to see this show end?! 

Ahhhhhhhhhhh Scandal. The writing on this show is superb. I constantly have to rewind thinking I misheard something, yet I did not - they DID say that. My fave line from the premiere: you're ornamental and not functional. Sheesh! Mr. President harsh words for your wife, yet she deserved them for trying to force your hand on a platform by making a public announcement. I think he is so good with Olivia and I really like how they support one another - is the country ready for an interracial couple leading them? I won't even begin to discuss Quinn - we would be here for a LONG time. I love watching how this show unfolds and cannot wait to see what the rest of the season has in store. 



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