Guest Blogger (Rands) - 30 & the Greatest Gifts of Life

Ahhhhhhh Rands - what can I say about her?! You know how most people graduate from college and have lots of new friends they created memories with?! Well, that was not me. I strictly went to school and then went to work. I met Rands because we were both PR majors and we had lots of classes together. In fact, we didn't start hanging out until after I graduated. Since the day we met, she has never stopped making me laugh. When I am stressed, she always has a calming spirit which helps to bring me down. And I love her creativity. Whenever I want to get into a crafting zone, she is my girl. She always has wine and music playing - and she is always willing to help to bring more life to my creations. Not to mention she is ALWAYS up for a stealth mission - those used to be fun. Maranda recently turned 31 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY Rands! Here is how she handled her double trouble when she turned 30. 

So you're turning 30. Woopty doo. I never really understood why people had a hard time with the thought of turning 30. Until it was time to turn 30...with a double twist.

Two years ago: "Oh shit Maranda, we're about to be 30! Where's the game plan...? What!?!?! You lost it? Now what the hell are we gonna do? Have a baby...girl, you're nuts! Good luck cause I don't want no parts of that."

I swear I was just playing...well, sorta. I mean, I loooove kids, I really really enjoy them. A lot! But the thought of having my own kids, in this day in age, frightened the hell out of me.

But it was on my mind. And I had been toying with the idea with my boyfriend, family, and friends. And even though I was no longer madly in love with my boyfriend at the time, we had been together for 3 years and he was the best candidate for the job. I know...that was way harsh. Let me just say I've never ever...ever ever never...been interested in getting married so yea, best candidate.

I totally did not mean to get pregnant...well kinda. But I put it out there for the universe to construct. And poof, I'm preggers. I was initially very scared. I was in the middle of finishing my graduate degree, the budget cuts were threatening my scholarship and job, and I definitely had to move out of my rickety one bedroom apartment. And then I found out I was carrying twins. I really had to get things figured out fast.

I had been anticipating my 30th on 11-11-11 since 5th grade when I turned 11. But the babies came shortly before and changed everything...for the best. And even though that Friday night I was stuck on the couch with a sleeping infant to my left and a crying infant to my right simultaneously trying to make a midnight deadline for my thesis, I felt so...lucky. I stayed in my robe that day watching the news report of how people spent their 11-11-11 and I was 100% completely content with my choice in celebrating.

The twins are now 17 months and I feel guilty. I've been showered with so many great blessings since I've had them until I literally feel guilty. I NEVER have to worry. Things just fall into place. Opportunities I could have never imagined, both personally and professionally, have been granted to me since the birth of these living angels. I never knew a love this strong before...this real. I can't imagine my life without my daughters.

So they distracted me from moping over 30. I didn't have time to frump and grump about anything wrong in my time to whine about my career not going in the direction I wanted it to travel, no time to feel sorry for myself for incompatible relationships, no time to worry about the future's unknown, and no time to reflect on regrets of the past. Cause with kids, shit gets real. My post 30 motto: "git er done." Because I have two lives that depend on me to do this mommy thing and to not only do it well, but do it the best! No excuses, just results.

My 31st celebration a few days ago was definitely worth my while.

I don't really get the chance to party hardy these days but when I do, I make the best of it. In fact every experience I have these days, no matter the circumstances...I make the best of. I have my girls to thank for that. They breathed a new life into me. They make everything I do have more...meaning.

Besides the mom thing, 30 is cool because I finally get to work on my roar and earn some cougar stripes. Ha!



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