Remember to Breathe

I cannot believe I have not blogged in almost 2 weeks - life has been a whirl wind that's for sure. Immediately after we recovered from Hurricane Sandy, my mom had her scheduled surgery - she is on the mend and doing quite well, but you know what that means for me, right?! Extra cooking and cleaning along with making sure she is ok and has everything she needs...oh and did I mention Price had an ear infection, my brother fractured his toe, and since I work in property & casualty insurance IN NEW JERSEY my workload has increased by 100% (NO exaggeration) and OUR SYSTEMS WERE DOWN ALL IN THE SAME WEEK!

Getting ready for Mema to come home

I am running on fumes. I barely have time to pick up my computer to think about blogging - I did have 3 guest blogs scheduled by some Scorpios, but we all know how they love to procrastinate. I just realized on Sunday, Thanksgiving is NEXT Thursday - now I have to find time this week to head to the supermarket to beat the crowds. I thought I had at least another week to prepare. Thankfully my grandmother said she would cook the entire dinner as long as I did the desserts. I acquiesced quickly. I love to bake and this will put me in a mellow zone...I will be sure to have my bottles of wine and music on, as I knock out some treats. I will definitely be making something from the Brown Betty cook book - I have not nailed down my menu yet, but that is on my to do list for tomorrow.

And YES, as I watched the Live with Kelly & Michael Halloween Extravaganza, I put on my tutu - much to Jeannette's disdain and my parents calling me crazy. I didn't make it for my health, it will be worn. I just resubmitted my letter, so let's hope I get a new show date in December. I love Christmas in NYC. It's gorgeous there. 

This past Sunday I made an oven stuffer for the first time ever! Here is the before picture - note to self: next time do not cook the chicken's back. But I must say the breasts were really juicy. AND I mastered candied yams with this meal. I now feel complete - they are my mom and grandmom's specialty, I was determined to get them perfect as well.

I finally got my new kindle - the paperwhite. I am IN LOVE with it even more - thanks Yells and Pricey Wicey!!! Now if I could only find time to read.

Also, guess whose dad is now the captain of SWAT?!?! And guess who cannot wait for take your daughter to work day?!?! Or do they not do that in the police department?! OR am I too old???? In any event, maybe I need to take my dad some lunch so I can see SWAT's toys up close - I cannot wait for him to get his uniform, so I can try it on. He told me to call him Hondo. I may be more excited than him - this department is foreign to him and I think it will be the challenge he is looking for all while having a little bit of fun.

I am having some anxiety - just finished watching Gossip Girl and there are only FIVE more episodes left. EVER. I am wrapping my hands around the idea of NO Gossip Girl in 2013. Something just doesn't seem right with that. Nope. Not at all. 

Wellllllll, I have to go finish making dinner, get my mom some lunch, get dressed, and be at work by 2pm. And let's not forget my Starbucks treat - I think I deserve one, right?! It's my only time I take a moment to breathe. Another red cup coming right up for me. *whispering* Try the white chocolate mocha with raspberry. Yummmmm - today I think I will get the peppermint white chocolate mocha. I can hardly wait. 



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