Boy Meets Girl

I remember it like it was yesterday - my parents threw me a Sweet 16 in our basement and lots of my friends came to help me celebrate. Everyone had so much fun at my party and I got my diamond solitaires I had been hinting about, but that's not all that happened...after all this post isn't about me. Two of my friends met or should I say "saw each other in person" for the first time. I may or may not have received inquiries from the both of them ranging from introductions, if the other person was single, what the other person was like, or to arrange more get togethers/ parties so they could encounter each other again.

Let's rewind and allow me introduce you to 2 of my dearest friends. Jennifer, whom I call JH, is a child hood friend - she lived up the street from me and we met when I was 10. Sheesh! I am just realizing I have officially known her for 20 years. We have experienced life's happenings together and there were many days I didn't know what I would do without her support along with her cozy chair & comfy bed. They definitely became my favorite places to take a nap after school or to hide from the world underneath her white down comforter. I could always count on her to be my listening board, offer sound advice, and make me a grilled cheese w/ a snapple poured in a glass with crushed ice. We may not see each other every day anymore, talk all the time, and she hasn't made me a grilled cheese in forever (I only eat hers or I have to get it from a restaurant), but when we do get together it's like we never missed a beat. 

Then there is Tacuma - I met him my freshman year at Central - we had English 1 together and he quickly became one of my closest male friends. He is definitely one of the guys I was referring to in this blog dedicated to my fellow Central alum. I remember the days when he was actually quiet and shy. I definitely cannot picture that now. Oh the laughs he has given me over the years! I still have yet to taste his infamous microwaved steakum sandwich. Although he moved to North Carolina for school and we sometimes lose touch, that has not diminished how I feel about him as my friend. 

Now back to present time, yesterday Tacuma proposed to JH and she said yes!!! Two of my oldest friends are engaged to get married TO EACH OTHER!!!! It was good catching up with old friends last night at Smith & Wollensky to celebrate. I am happy for the both of them and excited for their happily ever after. *whispering* Does this mean they have to have an event where I happen to meet my significant other?!  Congratulations to the couple and here's to many more years of happiness. 

Let the wedding planning know I am all about planning. Wedding binder anyone?!?! Jennifer would die. 

P.S. I can still call Jennifer "JH" right?! Or do I have to use the new moniker "JC" after the nuptials? 



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