Christmas with the Singletarys

Let me start off by expressing my frustration with having to work on Christmas Eve...until 4pm!!! How was I supposed to get everything done in time for Santa?! This made my typical 3 day weekend busy as ever - it included finishing up shopping with my mom, baking tons of cookies, wrapping presents, brunch with my cousin, and cleaning the house from top to bottom. Somehow it is not a holiday without the house clean and in order to my liking. 

The best thing about co-parenting is as soon as I picked up pizza (our traditional Christmas Eve dinner which my mom now abhors) and ate, Santa came to our house at 5pm. Santa and his elves started assembling toys and I got to work arranging everything under the tree...after all, I still had to get in the kitchen. 

Our Christmas Tree

Santa dropped these off, but they will be donated to older boys & girls or maybe auntie can keep them for herself. Ha! 

Christmas Breakfast
And you know we didn't open anything until our little munchkin arrived.

He loves to help Auntie clean, now he has his own Dyson

Only my mother and I would get a tricycle with NO helmet - good thing Papi thinks of things like that 
After his nap, he was ready to go. Again! 

My mom made a delicious Christmas dinner of fried chicken (my fave), ham, mac & cheese, candied yams, potato salad, greens, and string beans - along with hawaiian sweet rolls. Nom nom nom

Pricey at Christmas Dinner
And guess who stayed in their pajamas ALL day...even sat in the formal dining room with it set in her pajamas and didn't feel guilty at all?! That's right - me. I even managed to take a Christmas nap for the second year in a row. I wouldn't have changed anything - a totally relaxing Christmas with my immediate family and Pricey was ecstatic and engaged with his new toys.




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