You're Lookin Tooooooo Good...

what you standing over there by yourself for...

Life has been crazy busy lately (hence the lack of blog posts), but I promised myself I would still take time to do things I enjoy to be my oasis within the chaos. And Sunday was just that - a road trip to Baltimore to see the Chapter V tour. 
Girl talk, dinner, and a delicious martini named Queen B at B&O American Brasserie before the show 

Ready to see Tremaine and of course as I applied my lipstick I sang pretty red lips girl you know what you do to me
They started the show at exactly 7:30 - Elle Varner can definitely blow and Miguel was great too - but then it was time for the main event. Mr. Neverson came out and began serenading me and I was lost in my own little world just me and him and then I blinked and realized I wasn't his only audience, there were lots of other screaming women around (including Shana - ha). Our seats were great, but with the way the stage lighting was displayed I could not get any clear pictures. So I just enjoyed the show.  

This has been my 3rd time seeing him live and I must say with each performance he has improved. His growth is illustrated in his stage performance and also with different elements added into the show. And the things he asked me?! He's so silly - he already knew the answers to those questions he should stop being such a tease. It goes without saying, but I LOVED the show!!! 

Trey Diving In 
Now are we going to discuss this whole lawsuit business against him by the stripper in NYC??? Personally, I thought it came with the job territory to have money thrown at you and instead of being appreciative, she filed charges??? So ungrateful. And that's all I have to say about that. 



  1. hahahaha... she got mad cause he threw money at her?!!!!! lmao

  2. Apparently he threw it too hard. It hurt her eye.


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