Summer Flicks Report Card

In between reading (did I mention how I knocked out almost all of my summer reading list?!) and hanging out with my family & friends, I managed to take in quite a few summer movies.

Hmmm...should I even waste time discussing The Gift. It had potential, but I definitely do not like all the unknowns once it was over. I was underwhelmed and had to run to get ice-cream after it was over. Because you is mandated on almost EVERY summer night and it makes everything better, no?!
My rating for The Gift: D 

Then there was Entourage. My aunt was home from Australia this summer, and who knew she loved Entourage as much as I did?! It was only right we saw this together. I think my expectations were too high when it came to this movie...this is one show I would love to see come back on air.
My rating for Entourage: B-

Ahhhh...the comedies...I loved both Pitch Perfect 2 and Trainwreck. I suppose you can never go wrong with Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson, and Amy Schumer.
My ratings for both Pitch Perfect 2 & Trainwreck: B 

In regards to kids movies, I loved the message behind Inside Out. I took all 3 kids to see this movie after they celebrated their final day of school. These babies are young, but they have all had some rough years and may have had to grow up a tad bit faster due to life's circumstances. After the movie, we went to dinner to discuss their highlights of the school year; expressing their feelings to grown ups you trust; and what they wanted to do to fully enjoy their summer. We even toasted with shirley temples and ended the night with a Frozen sing-a-long on the ride home.
My rating for Inside Out: A 

Now on to my favorite 3 movies of the summer...

First up, Magic Mike XXL. I don't even know what to say. There is definitely more dancing in this version AND they even added tWitch from So You Think You Can Dance...the combination of tWitch & Channing was quite impressive. The mirror oh man! I need to see this movie again...the loud, rowdy woman in the theater was the only thing that ruined this experience.
My rating for Magic Mike XXL: A+

Southpaw. What was there not to love?! A man experiencing heartbreak & despair while at the prime of his boxing career...having to dig deep to find the tenacity to rebuild for the sake of his daughter. Jake Gyllenhaal was superb in his portrayal of Billy HopeShould we even discuss his work out regimen to get in shape for the  part?! Whatever it was, it worked. Yum! 
My rating for Southpaw: A+

And last but not least is War Room.  I am kind of upset at the lack of marketing for this film. The message conveyed in this movie is exactly what our country needs as we are in a state of despair. As we head into a new season, let's take their message to heart. Instead of judging and condemning others, let's pray for them. We cannot control anyone's actions, but our own. Getting upset and belittling someone with your arguments will never make the situation any better. It will just prolong finding a resolution and create a hostile environment.
My rating for War Room: A+

Were there any good releases I missed? What was your favorite movie of the summer?!



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