2016 First Quarter Reads

I have been getting a lot of requests for book recommendations, therefore I have decided to bring back my book reviews. I am going to do them quarterly, so it doesn't take over the blog again, deal?!

So let's jump right in - here are the books I plowed through during the 1st Quarter:


After You by Jojo Moyes
I am not sure I can fully express how much I loved Me Before You (I am even more ecstatic to see the movie this June). Imagine my surprise when I heard there was finally a sequel - I couldn't wait to get my hands on After You. I quickly found myself lost in London catching up with Louisa and I was not disappointed. 


No More Mr. Nice Guy by Carl Weber
Carl Weber's The Family Business series holds you captive for hours as you try to figure what is going to happen next. Amber and I have been debating from the beginning if Niles Monroe is actually dead or if it's a cover up. In No More Mr. Nice Guy, we were properly introduced to this character and I must say...he is my favorite. This was a great read and I cannot wait for the release of the next addition to this series. More importantly, I hope Paris catches up with Niles (if he is alive). 

I heard so many great things about this book before I opened it, so I had high expectations. Let's just say it did not deliver. It was not a horrible book, but I am pretty sure I did not have to read it. 

A Window Opens by Elisabeth Egan
This book was a breath of fresh air and motivation all wrapped in one. Not sure how Egan pulled this off, but I finally exhaled as I was reading A Window Opens. I have been having so many thoughts lately about changes I need to implement in my life, and I believe this book served as a much needed push. After all, the beauty of the world has two edges, one of laughter, one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder. Here's to exploring new opportunities presented and stepping towards my vision. 

Best Friends Forever by Kimberla Lawson Roby
I took myself to brunch one Sunday and this book was my date. It was a quick and easy read, which served as great company. 


The Good Lord Bird by James McBride
We kicked off Between the Covers with James McBride's The Good Lord Bird. I am ashamed to admit I did not get past page 3 even though this book sat on my night stand for almost 3 months.

The Alchemist by Paul Coelho
I've wanted to read this book for years, yet never picked it up. Thank goodness Alicia chose this for our 2nd Between the Covers read for 2016. I consumed it in 4 hours one Friday night and loved every page! I knew I would when I spotted this on the back cover: to realize one's destiny is a person's only obligation. I cannot wait to discuss with the girls.

Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter
Pretty Girls made me want to lock myself in my room hidden under my covers with SWAT guarding my door. I guess this novel was that good if it evoked such emotion from me. I am anxiously waiting for Rae to read this so we can discuss. 

Have you read any good books lately?! I am always up for recommendations! 



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