As the Sun Sets on Summer '17...

The LAST official day of summer, yet the weather did not get the memo.

What if I told you I only had ONE day poolside; NO trips to the beach; and NO vacations from seemed to consume my entire year and I must say I am EXHAUSTED. I didn't even make much progress on my summer reading list.

I did manage to make time to take the kid to a carnival...

Entertain Blake with Snapchat filters...
Visit DC twice...once to FINALLY do the historic landmarks & visit the National Museum of African American History & Culture with my parents...and then Shekia & I visited Alicia for a girls night. They convinced me to get in a Lyft TWICE that night...this leads us to story time...

Remember the movie Bone Collector?! Well, after seeing it I refused to ever get in a cab by myself...and when Uber & Lyft hit the scene, I was like yeah NO I am good somebody may attempt to chop me up...I guess the promise of a few drinks & the company of good friends gave me courage this particular night. 

I also have another confession. What if I told you I never fully appreciated Sade's No Ordinary Love until I was tipsy in the back seat of a Lyft while Alicia, Shekia, and the Lyft driver belted it out. Ya'll that song is damn good and I am LATE to the party, but I feel very welcomed here. 
Enjoy drinks and girl talk with friends...
Embrace sticky bun Sundays...
Work via candle light as rain poured outside my window...
Fall in love with a new coffee shop...

Attend Digital Summit Philly 2017...

Unwind at a concert in the park...
Surprise the kid with something he had really wanted when I picked him up from 1st grade...
Celebrate Khloey's 10th birthday with a Hollywood themed sleepover...

And we may have cuddled most of the time I was there....EXACTLY what I needed
As we anticipate the final summer sunset, I am walking into a new season gearing up to dive into 35 with That's What I Like (YES, I am still obsessed with this song and it immediately transforms my mood) lyrics on repeat...anything you want, just to put a smile on deserve it baby, you deserve it all...if you want it, go and get it. 
It only seems right we end the summer with a fitting toast. SALUT! 

What was one of your highlights of Summer '17? 



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