Diving Between September's Covers

Hmmm...maybe since I am taking off a few days from work, I will find the time to actually plow through the books I have on my night stand. The stack KEEPS growing, yet I cannot commit (apparently this is a problem in other areas of my life as well...more on this later). I did manage to get lost in a few this month though.

The One I've Waited For by Mary B. Morrison
Something about the title...the ONE I'VE WAITER FOR...I am not known for my patience...and I could not see myself idly waiting for a man...the title is deceiving and I did enjoy the latest release in The Crystal series. 

Finding Gideon by Eric Jerome Dickey
The Gideon series started in 2007 and I have loved every release, however, it took me so long to finish this book. For some reason, I could not get into it...yet, I couldn't stop reading it since I have read all the others. I hope the next one is better...does this mean I am a glutton for punishment since we know I will read it?!  

Locked in Temptation by Brenda Jackson
Not sure I fell in love with  Joy & Stonewall as much as I did in the other characters in the Protector series. However, I could relate to Joy - and there was a poignant line when discussing her interaction with men and how she didn't want to be transparent in what she shared. The type of exchange she was comfortable with. The type that went nowehere and was all superficial. 

I am a firm believer everything is NOT for everybody, YET I should probably work on being open to reveal more of myself to others outside of my circle.

Joy was also a cop and in retrospect, she thought a good cop is a well-rested cop, not an overworked one. With all the protests and overtime going on in the country, I think about this all the time...how can one make rational decisions if they are constantly overworked?! We all need sleep, right?! And coffee is NOT the cure all. YET these men & women along with all the other professions in the life saving business, rise to the occassion regardless of the amount of sleep they received the night before. AND THAT to me is dedication. 

The Think About Love by Julie James
Ahhhh...the thing about love...trust me to know what I want...

I would ask for book recommendations, BUT my list is long enough as is...so make a note and tell me next year. 



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