Coffee Table Reads

Whelp. The prepping has began. Pinterest, menu prep, planning, cleaning, shopping, baking, name is all happening as I run on coffee while I still maintain my day job managing content marketing AND writing more 2018 content since we are picking up a new product beginning December  - Instagram. 

Do you know how much stuff you need to write and pics you need to sort through or take in order to manage over 200 accounts between Facebook & Instagram?! Uhhhh yeah...probably multiply your number by 15. Thankful Caren & I have established a groove where we knock it out...but let's just say we are both mentally exhausted. And Thanksgiving is now HERE whether we like it or not. 

I managed to sneak in a hair appointment after work today, so that is one thing off my to do list and a way for me to get some pampering in the midst of it all. 

As we all gather with our family and friends, coffee table reads or politics may come up. Thankfully, I found the PERFECT book to display in our home to trigger both convo and positive memories. You know, something worth being discussed.  

Pete Souza is one of my fave accounts I follow on both Twitter & Instagram. He photographed Obama throughout his Presidency and released Obama: An Intimate Portrait. (I also bought my grandmom a copy for Christmas - she will love it!)

Price was so excited when he saw this book and immediately sat down to look at the pictures as he exclaimed, Barack Obama was the best President - I miss him. Little does he know, Dream Big Dreams  will be released today. I plan on wrapping it up for him to always remind him of both Obama's legacy and to DREAM BIG. 
To round out our collection, I HAVE to grab Chasing Light - Amanda Lucidon's inside look at Michelle Obama's time as our First Lady. Maybe a present for my dad we all can enjoy?!

Between the laughs and engaging convos as we encounter family & friends over the next few days,  let us follow Barack & Michelle's examples by exuding spirits filled with patience, grace, gratefulness, and love.

Now let me go finalize this dessert menu for Thursday...



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