It's All Or Nothing...

If you my all or nothing, I want all of you or nothing...I'm sorry that I messed up girl...I really love ya...

Oh excuse me...I was just caught up in a fumble. 

Let's flashback to last Friday, Jessica called me to go to the 4:44 tour. It had been a LONG week and I just wanted to climb in bed to read. THE HOUSE WAS EMPTY. How could I resist?! So I declined and enjoyed my quiet night in. 

When I woke up on Saturday, I checked social media per usual. My cousin, Ayana's, Instagram story from the concert gave me pause. I held my finger on it, so the screen wouldn't change (I didn't want to be a TOTAL creep and just screenshot) because I thought I was seeing know, no coffee yet. 

However, my fingers could not move fast enough to hit send on my message to her. It simply read: Ummmmm Treyyyy *dies* 
I refrained from calling her - figured she may still be sleep and got up to brew a latte because as soon as she responded, I had questions and wanted details. I needed to be fully alert. 

Now if you know will know my first question...DOES HE SMELL GOOD??? Smelling good is my thing...and I am immediately turned off if you don't have a good scent. So I needed to know - and this mystery remains unknown since she does not recall.

As I listened to her story, I was excited for her experience and the fact she enjoyed the show (I didn't confirm THIS PART, but it is safe to assume based on her stories posted).

Yet I learned a lesson too and wrote an internal note to self: sometimes you need to just get up and go. You never know who you are going to meet.



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