Now THAT is a Flagrant Foul

Due to the release of Girl Scout flavored coffees, I have visited Dunkin' Donuts TWO times in FIVE days...all for blog research. And if we are being transparent here...I am not too happy with my choices. Time to report an update to Slam Dunk or Naw.

As I sat at the dealer getting my car serviced while working, I sipped on a peanut butter cookie latte. WHO DOESN'T LOVE DO-SI-DOS?! This time I was prepared. I also ordered a blueberry donut on the side so I could conduct a proper analysis.

My first sip was ok. As I then took a gulp, I became wary. Something told me to eat a piece of my chaser before committing to another sip. DEF much better with the donut, but I never need to drink it again. Dunkin', these girl scout inspired flavors are definitely a no for me. I am not opposed to you bringing back the sugar cookie latte though - now THAT was delicious. And yes, I did notice it has been M.I.A. from your holiday menu since 2015. 

I probably should have just eaten a damn box of cookies instead of trying both of these lattes. Do not fret - I will hard pass on testing the thin mint latte. 

The bigger problem here is I have NOT eaten one Girl Scout cookie this season. Maybe I should have bought some for myself along with my donation to the troops. If you need a fix, hit up Madison, my dealer. They make it so easy for you to order or donate online now. 

BUT if you like amazing coffee, head straight to Starbucks or your local coffee shop to support small businesses. 



  1. This is hilarious and thank you for exploring for me so I don't have to!

    1. Well you know me...always willing to take one for the team. Xoxo


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