Diving Between April's Covers

Whelp, I am a tad bit late with this post, huh?! 

But in case you were wondering, I have already CRUSHED the month of May in nine days. 

However, those achievments made me forget I DID in fact read a book in April. I also happened to LOVE every page. The power in its pages is why I decided it should in fact stand alone and I would not save it for May. AND I think EVERYBODY should read it. 

We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
It has been on my to read list for YEARS. Rae had it to lend to me and we discussed it many times. Then during a stressful day at work, she told me she was bringing me the book to read at break (like I take those) because I would finish it THAT FAST. 

I may not have taken a break that day, BUT I carved out 40 minutes to myself the next morning while I drank coffee digesting every word slowly. 

Do yourself a favor and go pick up this book. And then text me immediately so we can discuss.  



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