Feeling Violated

I suppose before I post all the content I HAD planned for August, I need to explain my absence.

Imagine waking up one Monday...going to get in your car...and realizing, after an Eagle's fan finally cashed in on their bet, you forgot to lock your car...and while the car sat in your driveway, somebody felt entitled enough to go through ALL OF YOUR THINGS, while they smoked and dropped ashes...and before they left, they took EVERY pair of designer sunglasses you had in there. No worries, they left the cheapies behind. I suppose the detail my car received was all in vain.

THEN the next Monday, imagine being awakened by text messages asking your father's whereabouts because you know...a barricade went awry and someone in SWAT was shot. No worries, his children would no longer get to go on their family vacation they had planned after his shift. Instead, they would champion around him and his recovery.

And let's not forget the uptick in violence and the political corruption plaguing our society.

These events, along with being slammed at work, has caused me to withdraw. What is more appropriate, is Andriece challenged me this month to get fit. Mentally, physically, emotionally. I think I recognized I was a slave to my Macbook and Price began to associate it with me always working. I found myself giving so much of myself and not having enough for me. I was sleep deprived and cranky. I needed a break from it all.

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

I took time to watch incessant amounts of tv, read books, go to the movies, visit Annapolis, dine on rooftops, leave work early, respond to emails & texts, do puzzles, work out, curb eating after 8ish, go to the playground, blow bubbles, dance parties, and just say no to things I felt were not good for my current state.
I may not be over the violation, but I may be ready to give a bit of myself again. So here we are...picking up our routine on the blog.

Hello again!



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