Our Way

Now if you know me, you know how much I LOVE Dancing with the Stars. And by LOVE, I mean I literally dance with them as they perform and try to learn their routines. Also, when songs come on the radio, I can immediately place it with a dance if they used it on the show. Obsessed much?!

Can you guess my fave pros from the show?! If you said Maks & Val, then you would be right. Now can you imagine my reaction when they announced they were going on tour together?! I jumped on tickets as soon as they went on sale and even though they were not coming to Philly, I could spare the miles on my car's lease to get to the venue. The only question...who was I dragging with me?! This show would NOT be missed. 

Wanesha and I decided to have dinner before the show - of course I headed to google to find good restaurants in Bethlehem, PA. The Bayou immediately came up - so I checked out their social media pages and the food seemed legit. I quickly made us reservations and grew even more excited for showtime. 

First things first, we needed a drink to catch up since we hadn't seen each other in over 6 months 
This restaurant turned out to be a great pick - they had white chocolate ice-cream on the menu. Also, yes we looked at the dessert menu first, so we could decide how big of an entree we could enjoy. It is all about priorities. 
Cheers to Val & Maks putting on a great show! And guess who drank bourbon in a mixed drink and liked it?!  
Wanesha went with shrimp & cheddar grits, while I dined on buttermilk fried chicken, french fries, and pickles. 
My first experience with delicious beignets. I was not disappointed...especially after we added the ice-cream and caramel on the side!


Wanesha decided I should wear heels (I almost ALWAYS wear flats now unless it's fall/winter and I have on booties) - so she picked out a pair of her shoes after I picked her up and told me to put them on. I hate being bossed around, but I did it and all of a sudden I felt like an entire adult. (After all she had a valid point, you are in a wedding and need to start wearing heels again like you used to so they are second nature AND you don't fall <= key factor.) I swear you just walk different when you wear high heels. AND I lasted over 5 hours before my feet started to ache. That's a win in my book. 

All I knew was on this night I wanted to dance - I don't know if it was the drinks, the shoes, or the anticipation of seeing Maks & Val live - but whatever it was, I felt GOOD!

This show. I do not even have the words to express how good it was - seeing them on the tv, does not compare to their live performance. Maks & Val are witty, pragmatic, and engaging with the crowd as they tell their story on how they grew up and how life's circumstances transformed them into the men we see today. They experienced poverty, yet this bought about a drive in them - a tenacious spirit destined for success. The love and appreciation they have for their parents and their sacrifices, and the morals they instilled into their sons all exudes from Maks & Val. Their passion. Their all. Everything is centered around love. Val may have said it best, love is giving up some of yourself for somebody else

After watching them perform, I am now determined to take a dance class at their Dance with Me studio and I also want to go to LA to see a live taping of DWTS. Who wants to come with me?!

Now you know I came home with souvenirs. I could not leave the program book behind. I also was taking a picture of the drink specials at the bar - the bar tender came up and asked me did I just want to take it home. Well of course I did, but does it also come with a splash of Val and a hug from Maks??? And what's up with a REAL backstage boogie?! These were serious questions that needed answers. 
What is not to love about this picture?! 
As we drove home, we spotted fireworks off the highway. What a great end to a perfect night! 
Maks & Val tell an inspiring story. They refuse to settle for no and will find a way to accomplish what they want to achieve. Our Way leaves you wanting to strive for more - they didn't just entertain, they stirred my passion. And we all need an extra push from time to time. Thanks Maks & Val for always being open with your fans.



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