A Good Man Is Hard To Find...Or Is He???

Lisa recommended I read some books by Reshonda Tate Billingsley, so I searched the library online and put in a request for the only book readily available - A Good Man Is Hard To Find. Since I am sick (thanks to my brother and nephew) and I loaned out my vaporizer to them, I decided to take a HOT bath to clear my head and get some reading done.

It was a quick and easy read - I definitely enjoyed it - reading this coupled with things going on in my friends' lives, it really got me thinking. Is a good man really hard to find? I will admit when I was younger I had a laundry list of things I wanted in a man - he had to be attractive with some swag - light skinned, athletic, and over 6ft, know how to dress, have a car and his own place, a job, he had to smell good - you know all of the shallow things.

I think this "list of requirements" hinders a lot of women from seeing someone who was perfect for them - looking for a certain type definitely puts you in a box.

However, as I get older I realized it is the man's character and how he treats me is what really matters (although some of the shallow things are still intermixed in whether or not I am attracted to a man) - will this man protect me? Provide for me? Respect me? Be supportive of my goals and vision? Is he family oriented? How does he treat his mother? Does he have a filthy mouth? I am so turned off by men who use vulgarity to express themselves all the time - expand your vocabulary! Is he educated and well versed? Is he God fearing?

Do you think women expect too much from a man and men in turn have too much pressure to provide the relationship they desire? And how much of an impact does your past experiences have on how you react to your next potential partner?

Every woman wants a fairy tale, but every story is not the same - it is important each couple creates their own unique story - one perfect for them.



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