Be Bold

Let's have a moment to discuss Freeform's The Bold Type. After watching the pilot, I immediately fell in love.

Ahhhh the we all now, a lot of their outfits would not be allowed in an office...even if you are working for a fashion magazine. Although many jobs have lax dress codes, crop tops are always a no in the work place, right?!

There isn't enough time or space for us to really delve into their relationships. Although they are in their early 20s, my single girlfriends and I are STILL dealing with the same issues. But we all know I am Jane, right?! With a TOUCH of Sutton. I swooned when Sutton declared:  I want to be the girl you can't stop thinking about. I DESERVE to be that girl. 

Also, how many times have we as women heard I should have fought harder for you. Am I the only one who gets sick of screening phone calls and blocking exes from social media?! Should have, would have, could have...

As they manuevered through the unchartered waves of life, their loyalty endeared me. No matter what, Kat, Jane, and Sutton always showed up & supported each other...even if it was in a bath tub, drinking wine. Friends don't let friends drink alone.

Building on these positive women interactions, mentorship was a pivotal part of the show. Jane found a gem in Jacqueline. As a manager, Jacqueline was able to identify Jane's weaknesses and push her outside of her comfort zone. This allowed Jane to recognize and explore her own potential, essentially building her confidence as a woman. Imagine your boss telling you: looking back, that's exactly why it was the right decision. Because it was the one that scared the shit out of me. 

Oliver was another great mentor to Sutton's benefit and advised her to keep bringing your passion – that is how you are going to make your mark.

So what are my major take aways from The Bold Type?! 

#1. It is time we all start getting comfortable with being uncomfortable in all aspects of life in order to experience growth.
#2. Ask for what I want...unapologetically.
#3. I need to get a mentor in my field - STAT! Shana told me this years ago, I did not listen.
#4. Never be scared to speak my mind...just always find a tactful approach.
#5. BE BOLD.

Did you love this show as much as I did?! 



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