It's A Numbers Thing

The volume of blog posts over the years has never been consistent. Case and point -

2011 - 126 (this was less than 6 months since I didn't hit publish on De La Bienvenida Mi Amors until mid-July. WHAT WAS I DOING?! I can tell you exactly what - searching for a rhythm, an authentic voice, and content you were interested in)
2012 - 232
2013 - 68
2014 - 15
2015 - 52
2016 - 94
2017 - 106
2018 - 35
Please note - no blogs were written between September 2013 to January 2014. The same pattern followed the next year. Apparently, I get totally consumed with my birthday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas and lose the urge to create. SHOCKER!

unsplash-logoKarolina Szczur
YET over the years, I found my rhythm. I discovered what I want to share. I stopped putting pressure on myself to constantly create. And I find myself always jotting notes or snapping pics to share WHEN I HAVE THE TIME. Why yes, I have become a content hoarder and I am proud of it.

With all these words, are you interested in the number 1 post of each year?! Because I sure am...



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