Guest Blogger: Balloons, Candy, & Whatever You Want

I am pretty sure you are all unfamiliar with the next guest blogger. He needed a little help with his post, so I decided to interview him again

Me: Price, You know it’s almost my birthday, right?! Have anything you want to say?
Price: Hi. Love you. Happy Birthday!

Me: Do you know I am going to be 35?
Price: I thought you were 30? When is it my birthday?
Me: But this is about MY birthday - you know when your birthday is...what should my goal be this year?
Price: Being the nicest person in the world
Me: I thought I was already nice?
Price: I want you to be nicer
Me: What does that mean? How can I be more nice?
Price: Give me whatever I want, give me lots of candy & toys
Me: What should we do for MY birthday?
Price: Have some fun, go to the playground, and go see My Little Pony when it comes out, but please don't say it comes out today. (Some background, when the trailer played during Lego Ninjango I asked him to take me for my birthday - he exclaimed,'s for girls. Ask my dad. So THIS is progress.)
Me: Price, it DID come out today 
Price: We can go after I am finished at the barbershop

Me: What is your favorite thing we do together?
Price: Get coffee 

Me: What would you do if I gave you a yes day and you could plan our entire day?
Price: Go to the playground, see a movie, eat pizza, fries, and chicken nuggets (You all DO remember what he named his fish , right?! As an update, chicken nugget is the lone survivor.
Me: What’s your favorite rule to break when you are having a bad day?
Price: Eating dessert before dinner (I for sure thought he was going to say eating dessert in my bed)

Me: What makes a birthday the BEST DAY EVER?
Price: Balloons, lots of candy, and doing whatever the birthday person wants

Me: Do you have any birthday wishes for me?
Price: Have a good day and a good weekend.
Whelp, there you have it...a birthday to a 6 year old means breaking all the rules and getting whatever you want. I must say, I like his train of thought and I am ready to DIVE IN!  



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