Live the Life You Want

Drea and I take our vision boards seriously. We dedicate maximum time and effort to ensure it is constructed in a manner that will drive us each morning as we prepare to face our day's challenges. We love to fill our board with positive affirmations to combat the negativity we are sure to encounter. In a way, these boards center us. And it always helps if it is aesthetically pleasing.

This year it was much easier to deconstruct my vision board. I never fell in love with it, but I did manage to accomplish quite a lot along the way. Some highlights included:

If I have to include work, Digital Summit Philly was a great time and being exposed to Content Marketing daily helps to enhance my resume.

But now it is time for a new focal point. Sia's Bird Set Free has been adopted as my theme song and I plan to Live the Life I Want.

Let me explain this a bit...I already do what I want to do, however, sometimes I commit to things knowing I do not really want to do them because I do not want to let people down. I am sure you know what I mean. This is also inclusive to not allowing others to take advantage of my kindness.

Therefore, this year I am promising myself that if my actions are not going to be led with an open and giving heart, then I will pass on it.

Playing hard is something I plan on embracing endlessly. If I can spend over 40 hours a week at work, then I deserve to treat myself and experience new things. And I guess I have to let you in on a little secret...I turn 35 in October. Be on the look out for #35to35 beginning September 4. 

In the corner screaming at me is LEAP OF FAITH. I need to become more centered and stop being fearful of leaps. You know...the same things I preach to my friends. I guarantee they will hold me to this one.  

Now this is one of my favorite sections this year - 
Women need to support women more. United we can crush anything. Let's continue to encourage each other to reach our ultimate visions, demanding respect along the way. AND by all costs, we must protect ourselves because let's be is going to take some nasty women to get us out of this hole we are about to dig ourselves into. But do not fret, we are all up for the challenge! 

Is your 2017 vision board complete? What is your main focal point? Share pictures - I cannot wait to see. 



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