Letter to My Younger Self

Since today is my 30th birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!), I decided to write my younger self a letter - this has been in the works for months. We always say hindsight is 20/20. These are some things I wish I would have acknowledged a LONG TIME ago - I may have avoided some growing pains (even though they helped to shape me into the woman I am). 

Dear Holly,

Know your worth and your power. Never do anything that doesn't feel right in your gut. There is nothing wrong with saying no. You earn more respect this way. Speaking of respect, do NOT tolerate any form or disrespect. Ever.

Never diminish what you have to offer to accommodate those not shining around you - help them to get to your level or release them if they are holding you back.

Never apologize for your situation or life experiences - people who talk down to you and call you spoiled are more than likely jealous. You don't need to surround yourself with the likes of them. Always be grateful and appreciative of opportunities presented to you - don't take the small things for granted, remain humbled and grounded - as quickly as it was given to you, it can be taken away. Swallow your pride, watch your mouth, control your temper, and don't be so fearful of the unknown. There will be no progression in life without taking chances, jump in head first sometimes and throw your caution to the wind.

Love is a fickle thing - don't lose yourself trying to make a relationship work. It's ok to let go - this does not mean you have failed. Simply learn from your mistakes and take accountability for your actions. You don't have to settle for the sake of being in a relationship - love yourself first and foremost so you can show a man how you deserve and should be loved and treated. When you love, you love fast and hard - make sure he deserves both your effort and affections. Take your time and really get to know him and what he stands for. Make sure it aligns and complements your own ambitions. If you love the wrong man, that too is ok - take time to get over the hurt and analyze what went wrong so you can move forward. But don't close yourself off and become scared to love again. You LOVE love, why deny yourself this simple pleasure of life?

Family and friends are vital in your life. Do not allow anyone to come between you and them. Your family is your backbone - they will always support you. No matter what - no questions asked - they will protect you at all costs. And your friends - they are some of your biggest cheerleaders always rooting for you to succeed. Make time for them and nurture these relationships. Even so know that your voice is what matters the most in your life - don't allow your opinion or drive to become skewed by someone else's vision for you.

Me time is important - bask in it, enjoy it. DON'T feel guilty for doing so.

Everything isn't for everybody - beware of snakes in the grass...especially when you provide them the ammunition needed to ambush you. People you thought were your friends will betray you - don't let them see you sweat and don't allow it to happen a second time.

Try not to be petty. Forgive and forget and then move on. Don't harbor on the situation and allow it to fester. There will always be disagreements in lives. It shows true maturity when you know how to work out issues by addressing both stances and sometimes agreeing to disagree. Everyone has an opinion. Just because you do not agree with someone else's does not mean your thoughts are superior. Do not belittle others and become hurtful with your words.

Ultimately I cannot give you the complete blueprint to life - enjoy the ride and do what's best for you. Know you are never alone, always Pray Until Something Happens and don't forget to give thanks. At the end of the day, keep smiling, hold your head high, and exude confidence. If you don't believe in yourself, no one else will. Strut your stuff lady in your fabulous shoes!!!




  1. Hi Ellyn! Writing this post was definitely an eye opening experience and it took weeks, with LOTS of editing. I will look into sharing it on your website.


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